National Skin Centre

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One Punggol

The Singapore National Skin Centre (NSC) stands as a beacon of dermatological excellence in the heart of Southeast Asia. Established in November 1988, it has evolved into a world-class institution dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and research of skin disorders. Nestled in the Novena medical hub, the NSC caters to a diverse range of dermatological needs, offering cutting-edge services and fostering a holistic approach to skin health.


As a tertiary referral centre, the NSC plays a pivotal role in providing specialized care for complex skin conditions. Its team of highly skilled dermatologists, nurses, and support staff collaborate to deliver personalized treatment plans, ensuring the well-being of patients from Singapore and beyond. The centre’s commitment to patient-centric care is evident in its state-of-the-art facilities, where advanced diagnostic tools and therapeutic modalities are employed to address a myriad of skin ailments.


Beyond clinical excellence, the NSC is a hub for dermatological research and education. The centre actively engages in groundbreaking studies, contributing to the global body of knowledge in dermatology. Through continuous medical education programs, the NSC cultivates a culture of learning, nurturing the next generation of dermatologists and healthcare professionals.


The NSC also takes pride in its community outreach initiatives, striving to raise awareness about skin health and preventive measures. Regular screenings, educational campaigns, and collaborations with local organizations underscore the centre’s commitment to promoting skin wellness at a population level.


In essence, the Singapore National Skin Centre stands tall as a testament to Singapore's dedication to healthcare innovation. With its unwavering focus on patient care, research, education, and community engagement, the NSC exemplifies the nation's commitment to fostering a healthier, more informed society.


The Listening lab is privileged to have implemented Hearing Loop Systems for The NSC’s new building for the convenience of Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant users who visits. The Hearing Loop Systems can be found in the Multi-Purpose Room and in the Seminar Room located at Levels 1 and 3 respectively.


Individuals with Hearing Aids and Cochlear implants would be able to benefit from the Hearing Loop Systems when they switch to their ‘Telecoil’ setting. For those who face some challenges due to their telecoil setting not being configured or properly set-up, please advise them to consult their audiologist for assistance.


Contact Us


Elevate the level of accessibility in your environment. Contact us today at +65 6817 5100 or send your enquiry here and learn more about how we can help you create an inclusive and accessible environment with Hearing Loop System in Singapore.


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Meningkatkan Manfaat bagi Siswa Anda dengan Alat Bantu Dengar dan Implan Koklea: Ini Caranya!

See: English translation



Mendeteksi suara dalam rentang frekuensi antara 20 Hertz (Hz) hingga 20.000Hz dan antara 0 desibel (dB) hingga 130dB adalah sesuatu yang hampir setiap manusia anggap sebagai hal yang biasa. Di sisi lain, ada sekelompok individu yang mengalami gangguan pendengaran.


Individu-individu ini yang mengalami gangguan pendengaran akan menghadapi tantangan dalam mendengarkan frekuensi tertentu dan memerlukan alat bantu dengar untuk membantu memperkuat frekuensi tersebut agar mereka dapat mendengar lebih baik. Jadi bagaimana lembaga pendidikan dapat membantu dan memberikan bantuan untuk membuka potensi penuh dari siswa-siswa ini?


Di dunia pendidikan, inklusivitas dan aksesibilitas sangat penting. Di negara-negara Asia Tenggara, terutama di mana sumber daya untuk orang dengan kesulitan pendengaran mungkin terbatas, teknologi seperti Sistem FM, Sistem Inframerah, dan Sistem Loop Induksi muncul sebagai alat yang tak ternilai untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar inklusif bagi semua siswa.

Tantangan dan Pertimbangan

Siswa yang menggunakan alat bantu dengar atau implan koklea menghadapi tantangan harian mendengarkan dan memahami informasi dari pendidik mereka. Mengapa demikian? Karakteristik operasional Alat Bantu Dengar dan Implan Koklea bekerja sedemikian rupa sehingga suara, terutama suara latar belakang, akan terdeteksi ketika kelas berlangsung, yang bisa sangat mengganggu ketika ada kegiatan lain di dalam dan di luar kelas.


Hal ini akan menyebabkan siswa yang menggunakan Alat Bantu Dengar atau Implan Koklea kehilangan informasi penting dan akhirnya harus meminta guru atau dosen mereka untuk mengulangi, yang dapat melelahkan, memakan waktu, dan mengganggu bagi seluruh kelas jika terus-menerus terjadi selama pelajaran. Inilah tempat Sistem Pendengaran Bantu (ALS) sangat dapat mengurangi atau bahkan menghilangkan gangguan dari suara latar belakang dan menukar sumber suara langsung dari guru atau dosen, akhirnya meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa yang sebelumnya terganggu menjadi lebih menarik dan bermanfaat.

Keuntungan Sistem ALS/HES untuk Sekolah di Negara-Negara Asia

  1. Pengalaman Belajar yang Ditingkatkan
    Menerapkan ALS mempromosikan lingkungan belajar inklusif, memungkinkan semua siswa untuk aktif berpartisipasi dalam diskusi dan percakapan. Siswa dengan gangguan pendengaran sering kesulitan memahami konten karena audio yang terdistorsi atau tidak jelas. Oleh karena itu, sistem ini mengatasi masalah ini dan memastikan bahwa setiap siswa menerima informasi dengan jelas, sehingga meningkatkan kinerja akademis mereka.
  2. Komunikasi yang Meningkat
    Komunikasi yang jelas sangat penting untuk kesuksesan akademis. Dengan adanya ALS ini, guru dapat efektif berkomunikasi petunjuk dan pelajaran kepada semua siswa, tanpa memandang kemampuan pendengaran mereka. Ini juga mendorong interaksi antara siswa, mempromosikan dinamika kelas yang lebih padu dan terintegrasi.
  3. Efisiensi Biaya Jangka Panjang
    Meskipun biaya awal pemasangan mungkin menjadi perhatian, sistem-sistem ini menawarkan manfaat jangka panjang. Investasi dalam teknologi seperti ini mengurangi kebutuhan untuk merekrut staf dukungan tambahan untuk siswa dengan gangguan pendengaran. Selain itu, ini menghilangkan hambatan potensial terhadap pendidikan, memastikan bahwa setiap anak memiliki akses yang sama ke pembelajaran berkualitas, sejalan dengan prinsip pendidikan inklusif.

Tanda Telinga Biru adalah tanda yang berarti dunia bagi orang dengan gangguan pendengaran. Setiap fasilitas yang memiliki tanda Telinga Biru menunjukkan bahwa ada loop pendengaran di sana. Bagi Eropa, Amerika Serikat, dan sejumlah negara di Asia Tenggara, tanda Telinga Biru memiliki makna yang dalam sebagai simbol aksesibilitas dan inklusi. Lambang ikonik universal ini, menampilkan telinga biru yang cerah dalam bingkai persegi, menandakan ketersediaan Layanan Pendengaran Bantu (ALS) di berbagai tempat di seluruh dunia, khususnya di Lembaga Pendidikan.

Jenis Sistem ALS

  1. Sistem Loop Induksi

    Sistem Loop Induksi menggunakan medan magnet untuk mengirimkan suara langsung ke alat bantu dengar atau implan koklea yang dilengkapi dengan komponen telecoil. Pada dasarnya, ini menjadikan alat bantu dengar dan implan koklea sebagai earpiece pembatal kebisingan karena mengambil suara langsung dari sumber tanpa adanya suara latar belakang, memastikan kejelasan. Solusi ini mudah dipasang dan biaya efektif karena hanya memerlukan instalasi sekali, membuatnya menjadi solusi yang layak untuk sekolah.
  2. Sistem FM

    Sistem FM adalah perangkat nirkabel yang memperkuat suara, mengirimkan langsung ke alat bantu dengar atau implan koklea seseorang yang dilengkapi dengan komponen Telecoil. Dalam konteks sekolah, Sistem FM dapat sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa dengan gangguan pendengaran terutama ketika ruang kelas dipenuhi dengan kebisingan dari kegiatan yang terjadi secara bersamaan selama pelajaran atau kuliah. Sistem ini dapat mengurangi suara latar belakang, memastikan siswa yang mempunyai kesulitan pendengaran dapat mendengar suara guru lebih jelas.
  3. Sistem Inframerah

    Mirip dengan Sistem FM, Sistem Inframerah mengirimkan sinyal audio secara nirkabel menggunakan gelombang cahaya, mengirimkan suara ke penerima yang dipakai oleh siswa selama pelajaran. Ini memungkinkan siswa dengan gangguan pendengaran, menerima suara yang jelas dan diperkuat tanpa gangguan. Sistem ini sangat berguna di lingkungan di mana frekuensi radio mungkin menyebabkan gangguan atau membawa risiko keamanan.


Sistem FM, Sistem Inframerah, dan Sistem Loop Induksi menawarkan jalan transformasional menuju inklusivitas dalam pendidikan. Dengan memanfaatkan pelbagai teknologi ini, sekolah-sekolah di Asia dapat membantu siswa-siswa yang ada gangguan pendengaran, memberdayakan mereka untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses belajar mereka. Memprioritaskan inklusivitas dalam pendidikan tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi siswa individu tetapi juga berkontribusi pada masyarakat yang lebih adil dan kaya.


Menggabungkan sistem-sistem ini sejalan dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan ke-4 Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, yakni memastikan pendidikan inklusif dan berkualitas untuk semua. Ini adalah langkah menuju pembangunan lanskap pendidikan di mana setiap anak memiliki akses yang sama ke peluang belajar, mendorong mereka untuk mencapai potensi maksimal tanpa memandang kemampuan mereka. Selain itu, kampanye pendidikan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya sistem-sistem ini dan pada akhirnya mendorong adopsi ALS.

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Heightening the benefits for your students with Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants is possible. Here’s how!

See: Bahasa translation



Detecting sounds in a frequency range between 20 Hertz (Hz) to 20,000Hz and between 0 decibels (dB) and 130dB is something that almost every human being takes for granted. On the other hand, there are a group of individuals who have some form of hearing impairment.


These individuals who have hearing impairment would be facing challenges in hearing certain frequencies and would require a hearing aid to help amplify the frequencies to allow them to hear better – so how can Education Institutes help and provide a helping hand to unlock the full potential of these students?


In the realm of education, inclusivity and accessibility is paramount. Countries in Southeast Asia, especially where resources catered for people with hearing difficulties might be limited. Hence, technologies like FM Systems, Infrared Systems and Induction Loop Systems present themselves as invaluable tools to create and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Challenges and Considerations

Students with Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants face daily challenges of listening and picking up information from their educators. Why so? The operating nature of Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants works in a way where sound, especially background noises, will be picked up when classes are ongoing which can be quite disruptive when there are other activities ongoing in and outside of the classroom.


This will result in the affected student/s with Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants to miss out critical information and subsequently having to request for their teachers or lecturers to repeat themselves, which could be tiring, time consuming and disruptive to the rest of the class if it constantly recurs during lessons.


This is where Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) can greatly reduce or even eliminate the distractions from the background noises and trade for a much comfortable and direct sound source from the teacher or lecturer, eventually heightening the once-disrupted student’s learning experience to be more engaging and fruitful.

Advantages of ALS/HES for Schools in Asian Countries

  1. Enhanced Learning Experience
    Implementing ALS fosters an inclusive learning environment, allowing all students to actively participate in discussions and conversations. Students with hearing impairments often struggle to grasp content due to distorted or unclear audio. Therefore, these systems mitigate this issue and ensures that every student receives information clearly, thus improving their academic performance.
  2. Improved communication
    Clear communication is vital for academic success. With these ALS in place, teacher can effectively communicate instructions and lessons to all students, regardless of their hearing abilities. It also encourages interaction among students, promoting a more cohesive and integrated classroom dynamic.
  3. Long-Term Cost-Efficiency
    Although the initial setup cost might be a concern, these systems offer long-term benefits. Investing in such technologies reduces the need for hiring additional support staff for students with hearing impairments. Moreover, it eliminates potential barriers to education, ensuring that every child has equal access to quality learning, aligning with the principles of inclusive education.

The Blue Ear Sign is one that means a world of difference for people with hearing loss. Any facility that has this Blue Ear sign indicates that it has a hearing loop present. For Europe, the United States and a growing number of countries in South-East Asia, the Blue Ear sign holds profound significance as a symbol of accessibility and inclusion. This universal iconic emblem, featuring a vibrant blue ear within a square frame, signifies the availability of Assistive Listening Services (ALS) at different establishments around the world especially in Education Institutes.

Types of ALS Systems

  1. Induction Loop Systems

    Induction Loop Systems use magnetic fields to transmit sound directly to hearing aids or cochlear implants equipped with a telecoil component. Essentially, this turns the hearing aid and cochlear implants into a noise-cancelling earpiece as it picks out the sound directly from the source without the presence of background noise, ensuring clarity. This solution is easy to install and cost-effective as it would be a one-time installation process, making it a viable solution for schools.
  2. FM Systems

    FM Systems are wireless devices that amplify sound, transmitting directly to an individual’s hearing aid or cochlear implant that has a built-in Telecoil component. In a school context, FM Systems can immensely benefit students with hearing impairments especially when classrooms are overwhelmed with noise from activities that are happening concurrently during lessons or lectures. This system can reduce background noise, ensuring students with hearing difficulties can clearly pick out the teacher’s voice.
  3. Infrared Systems

    Similar to FM Systems, Infrared Systems transmit audio signals wirelessly using light waves, delivering sound to receivers worn by students during lessons. This allows students with hearing impairments to receive clear, amplified sound without interference. This system is particularly useful in environments where radio frequencies might cause interference or pose security risks.


FM Systems, Infrared Systems and Induction Loop Systems offer a transformative pathway towards inclusivity in education. By harnessing these technologies, schools in Asia can bridge the gap for students with hearing impairments, empowering them to engage actively in their learning process. Priotising inclusivity in education not only benefits individual students but also contributes to a more equitable and enriched society.


Incorporating these systems aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4, ensuring inclusive and quality education for all. It’s a step towards building an educational landscape where every child has equal access to learning opportunities, encouraging them to reach their maximum potential regardless of their abilities. Additionally, educational campaigns can raise awareness about the significance of these systems and eventually encouraging adopting of ALS.

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Diversifying Induction Loop Designs

Induction Loop Systems have emerged as pivotal aids – revolutionizing accessibility for individuals with hearing impairments. These Induction Loop Systems transmit sound directly into Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants that have a built-in component known as a Telecoil. This provides clearer and more distinct audio without the background noise, for individuals with hearing impairments. Think of it like a noise-cancelling earpiece or headphones that we often use to block out unwanted background noise distractions from the world around us so that we can listen and enjoy the clear music or audio that we are listening to.


There are various number of loop designs that are best suited for specific environments and needs and at the same time complying to the IEC 60118-4 Standards, fostering inclusivity across diverse scenarios.

What is the IEC 60118-4 Standard?

This standard specifies requirements for the Field Strength (Intensity of magnetic field) of Induction Loops for hearing aids to provide adequate signal-to-noise ratio without overloading the hearing aid. Alongside Field Strength, it also specifies the minimum frequency response requirements for acceptable intelligibility.


1. Counter Loops

As the name suggests, counter loops are solutions that can be used for reception counters, help points and ticket counters. This type of induction loop is a small rectangular induction loop and there are a few factors that will be taken into consideration for an ideal position for maximum effectiveness;


  1. Counter loop should be mounted in vertical position, either on or embedded in a panel with no metal contents.
  2. The ideal height from the floor to the top of the loop should be at 750mm for sitting counters and 900mm for standing counters.
  3. The loop shall be facing in the direction of the hearing aid and cochlear implant user. This setting is most effective when the user is in a well-defined position relative to the loop.


2. Perimeter Loops

Perimeter Loops are the simplest and most basic loops that completes an induction loop system. These loops are most effective when used in a setting whereby the coverage area loop is no longer than 4 meters in width, have no requirement for privacy or concerns about signal overspill and have little to no metal in the structure of the venue.


Although Perimeter loops are the simplest and most basic of loops, it has its limitations such that the larger the size of the perimeter loop, the higher the variation over the width of the room. Larger perimeter loops will have a much lower signal strength in the middle than the areas nearer to the boundary. Where the presence of metal structures is present, metal losses will adversely reduce the field strength towards the center of the loop.



3. Cancellation Loops

Cancellation loops are compatible with perimeter loops that has a requirement to limit overspilling in one direction. It is basically a smaller loop segment in which has been carefully designed to be of correct size and as a result, it will cancel the overspilling in one direction with the use of the same amplifier as the main loop. The same concept of a perimeter applies as previously mentioned that it is most effective when the loop is not more than 4 meters in width.


In addition, cancellation loops require higher voltage headroom as compared to a basic perimeter loop. Since there will be an area where there will be no coverage, it is important that no hearing aid and cochlear implant users are in the zero-coverage area.



4. Single Array Loops

Single Array Loops in its simplest definition are multiple perimeter loops or also known as segments, formed using a single loop of cable. It is capable in providing better coverage than a single large perimeter loop since there are now more than 1 smaller sized perimeter loops that can provide more precise and quality field strengths that can be picked up by Telecoil-enabled Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant users.


Single array loops are effective but still have areas where there are “dead” zones as there is a gap where the magnetic field coverage is absent. Hence these zones are strongly recommended for hearing aid and cochlear implant users to stay away from.



5. Multiloops

A Multiloop is a complex loop design that comprises of 2 arrays with multiple segments that complement each other to provide even coverage for large areas like Multi-Purpose Halls, Prayer Halls and Classrooms, just to name a few. Multiloops can be further categorized into Low Loss and Low Spill multiloops. A simplified breakdown of these types of multiloops are as follows;


  1. Low Loss Multiloops
    As the name suggests, the purpose of this multiloop design is to ensure that the multiloop is able to provide as much effective coverage as possible by compensating for high metal loss in the venue. When a venue has relatively high metal content, the signal gets bounced back, cancelling the loop signal to a certain degree, affecting the audio that hearing aid and cochlear implant users hear. This results in the audio being muffled and not natural sounding.

    With proper designs and laying of Low Loss multiloops, the results will reflect an even field coverage over any room size, be it in the presence of metal or not. Although the overspilling effect is substantially reduced, it is a much better solution compared to a perimeter loop.


  2. Low Spill Multiloops
    Low Spill multiloops are similar to Low Loss multiloops, able to provide an even field coverage but only with more control of the overspilling effect. This loop design is most effective when there is a stage where electrical instruments like an electric guitar or even a dynamic microphone is present as it might induce interference. That is where careful and good loop designing with the help of simulation tools is crucial to keep the overspilling effect to the bare minimum.

To summarise, there is no one-size-fits-all loop design that can be used for any venue. There are multiple factors to the purpose of installing an induction loop such as privacy, overspilling, size of coverage area. Designing and installing an induction loop to fit the needs of the venue is bespoke and requires careful considerations without having to overspend on unnecessary systems and add-ons.

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One Punggol

Featured Project

One Punggol

Nestled in the northeastern of Singapore lies the vibrant district of Punggol, often hailed as the epitome of modern living combined with natural beauty. Once a sleepy fishing village, Punggol has transformed into a bustling hub offering a blend of urban amenities and serene landscapes. With its picturesque waterfront, residents and visitors are treated to stunning panoramic views.


The newest addition to serve the community in Punggol lies One Punggol, where there are 9 Co-Location Partners under one roof, providing community, cultural, civic and lifestyle facilities. It serves a refreshing model of integration for greater spatial efficiency through co-location and co-sharing facilities while promoting exciting opportunities for interactive collaboration between the 9 Co-Location Partners.


The 9 Co-Location Partners consist of;

  1. One Punggol Community Club (CC)
  2. Punggol Regional Library (NLB)
  3. Hawker Centre
  4. Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) Childcare Centre
  5. Housing Development Board (HDB) Branch Office
  6. Ministry of Health (MOH)/KKH Department of Child Development (KKH-DCD)
  7. MOH/Senior Care Centre (SCC) St Luke’s Eldercare
  8. MOH/Health Sciences Authority (HAS) Blood Collection Centre
  9. MOH/Kidney Dialysis Centre (KCD)

The Listening Lab is honoured to have installed 2 Counter Loop systems located at One Punggol’s KKH-DCD Centre located at Level 4 and another at ServiceSG Centre, located at Level 1. Hearing Aid and Cochlear implant users are able to benefit from the Counter Loops after switching ON their Telecoil function and enjoy seamless conversation with the staff at the counters without the distractions of background noises – especially when important information is being shared.


If their Telecoil function is not configured or properly set-up, please do advise them to consult their audiologist for assistance.

Contact Us


Elevate the level of accessibility in your environment. Contact us today at +65 6817 5100 or send your enquiry here and learn more about how we can help you create inclusive and accessible environment with Hearing Loop System in Singapore.


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